How it works
Classes will be sorted into their relevant sections as seen in the example photo, with the relevant classes listed underneath generally in ascending height order - then, any other applicable classes.
If you place FIRST in one of these classes then you are eligible to go on and compete for champion/reserve champion. The Champion/Reserve Champion class is always carried out AFTER the completion of all other classes in that section.
If you place SECOND in one or more of your classes but not first then still hang around the ring when the work out for champion is happening as a judge can call second place getters into the ring to complete a work out AND sash them if they deem them more fitting than the other competitors. If you win champion then you are eligible to compete for Supreme (if the show is running classes for supreme)
This process is the same regardless of the type of class it is (e.g Breed, hack, Hunter, Harness etc.)

Going Around the Ring
Unless it is a big show like a Royal classes will not have a specific times when they are on there will only be the times for when the rings start/open which will be listed either at the top of the program or next to each ring on the program - RINGS MAY NOT ALL START AT THE SAME TIME
The succession of classes will be determined by how many entrants are in each class so it is a good idea to hang around the ring whilst the classes before are being called
Once everyone is in the ring for your class the judge will ask you to walk around the ring, then call out trot, then call out canter (you will only be asked to walk around the ring for led classes) - the judge will ask for a change of direction at some point to see the horses paces on each rein.
If the class is small the judge may pick their winner off the ring or call everyone in to complete a work out.
If the class is larger then only some will receive call in - Judges usually don't know who you are so look out to see if they point at you or listen out for a description of your horse (e.g BAY HORSE WITH WHITE BLAZE!)
If you are competing at a bigger show they may call you in by your number. If you do not receive a call in graciously leave the ring at a walk.
If you are called in you should generally line up in the order you were called in, whilst being called in first is a good sign it does not necessarily mean that you have won so don't jump the gun!
You will then be asked to complete a work out - the type of work out you are asked to do will depend on the type of class you are entered in & will be decided solely by the judge(s) - unless the judge gives you a free work out which means you get to decide what you do - usually judges will give free workouts with conditions eg. free work out with two changes of rein & lengthen trot. You should still show all three paces in a free work out.
After all work outs are completed the judge will decide their placings
Open Show Hack, Open Hack, Open (insert height category e.g Open Galloway) ARE THE SAME THING
Open Show Hunter Hack, Hunter Hack & Show Hunter ARE THE SAME THING
Your horse/pony/galloway is either a Hack or a Hunter it CANNOT be both
Height specifications for classes may differ depending on the show
Height Categories
PONIES(Hack or Hunter): Cannot exceed 14 hh
GALLOWAY(Hack or Hunter): 14 hh n.e 15 hh
HORSE (Hack or Hunter): 15 hh and over
SECOND CHANCE: If you do not get a placing in your class some shows may host a second chance ring OR class. You can only compete in this if you did not win a 1st place, champion or reserve champion in the first round.
Classes are usually layed out in this order:
<Ridden or Led> <Restricted (e.g Novice, intermediate etc.) or Open> <Type (Hack or Hunte)r> <Height>
Open (Small) Pony Hack n.e 11.2 hh
Open (Small) Pony Hack Over 11.2 hh n.e 12 hh
Open (Small) Pony Hack Over 12 hh n.e 12.2 hh
Open (Large) Pony Hack Over 12.2 hh n.e 13 hh
Open (Large) Pony Hack Over 13 hh n.e 13.2 hh
Open (Large) Pony Hack Over 13.2 n.e 14 hh
Childs Pony Hack n.e 14 hh (Rider must be under 17 yrs)
Adults Pony Hack n.e 14 hh (Rider must be 17 years & Over)
Open (Small) Galloway Hack Over 14 hh n.e 14.2 hh
Open (Large) Galloway Hack Over 14.2 hh n.e 15 hh
Childs Galloway Hack n.e 15 hh (Rider must be under 17 yrs)
Adults Galloway Hack n.e 15 hh (Rider must be 17 years & Over)
HORSES (usually just referred to as Hacks)
Open (Small) Hack Over 15 hh n.e 15.2 hh
Open (Small) Hack Over 15.2 n.e 16 hh
Open (Large) Hack Over 16 hh n.e 16.2 hh
Open (Large) Hack Over 16.2 hh
Childs Hack 15 hh & Over (Rider must be under 17 yrs)
Adults Hack 15 hh & Over (Rider must be 17 years & Over)
Ladies Hack 15 hh & Over (Rider must be female 17 years & Over - Mount not eligible to compete in Gents)
Gents Hack 15 hh & Over (Rider must be male 17 years & Over - Mount not eligible to compete in Ladies)
SHOW HUNTER: Flatwork only, work out is basically the same as an open hack class however you will be required to complete a hand gallop as part of your work out.
WORKING HUNTER: Consists of TWO phases -
Jumping (Phase 1): Very similar to a show jumping round must complete the course with as minimal penalties as possible. Falling off or 3 refusals will result in elimination. You may not progress to the next phase if you are eliminated.
You collect 10 points for every jump you clear (Max 80 points to be collected), the horse will also be marked out of 20 for style & manners around the course.
Work Out (Phase 2): Flatwork only - the same as a Show Hunter work out. The horse will receive a mark for their work out - the combination with the highest combined mark will be the winner.
Tack cannot be changed between classes - Boots and bandages may be removed after jumping
Show Hunter (Small) Pony Hack n.e 11.2 hh
Show Hunter (Small) Pony Hack Over 11.2 hh n.e 12 hh
Show Hunter (Small) Pony Hack Over 12 hh n.e 12.2 hh
Show Hunter (Large) Pony Hack Over 12.2 hh n.e 13 hh
Show Hunter (Large) Pony Hack Over 13 hh n.e 13.2 hh
Show Hunter (Large) Pony Hack Over 13.2 n.e 14 hh
Childs Show Hunter Pony Hack n.e 14 hh (Rider must be under 17 yrs)
Adults Show Hunter Pony Hack n.e 14 hh (Rider must be 17 years & Over)
Show Hunter (Small) Galloway Hack Over 14 hh n.e 14.2 hh
Show Hunter (Large) Galloway Hack Over 14.2 hh n.e 15 hh
Childs Show Hunter Galloway Hack n.e 15 hh (Rider must be under 17 yrs)
Adults Show Hunter Galloway Hack n.e 15 hh (Rider must be 17 years & Over)
HORSES (usually just referred to as Hunter Hacks)
Show Hunter (Small) Hack Over 15 hh n.e 15.2 hh
Show Hunter (Small) Hack Over 15.2 n.e 16 hh
Show Hunter (Large) Hack Over 16 hh n.e 16.2 hh
Show Hunter (Large) Hack Over 16.2 hh
Childs Show Hunter Hack 15 hh & Over (Rider must be under 17 yrs)
Adults Show Hunter Hack 15 hh & Over (Rider must be 17 years & Over)
Ladies Show Hunter Hack 15 hh & Over (Rider must be female 17 years & Over - Mount not eligible to compete in Gents)
Gents Show Hunter Hack 15 hh & Over (Rider must be male 17 years & Over - Mount not eligible to compete in Ladies)
Working Hunter Small Pony 12.2 hh and under (Rider must be 14 yrs or younger - Max. jump height 45 cm)
Working Hunter Large Pony Over 12.2 hh n.e 14 hh ( Max. jump height 55 cm)
Working Hunter Galloway 14 hh n.e 15 hh (Max jump height 65 cm)
Working Hunter Hack 15 hh & Over (Max jump height 75 cm)
NOVICE: A horse or rider who has NEVER placed 1st in that class or similar at a show. For Royals - A novice is a horse or rider who has never placed 1st in that class or similar at a ROYAL. Once you win a 1st place you or CANNOT compete as a novice again.
INTERMEDIATE: A horse or rider that has never won 1st 2nd or 3rd in that class or similar at a ROYAL show
NEWCOMER: A horse/galloway/pony that has NOT competed under saddle for more than a year (led classes & racing do not count), Newcomers can only compete in a snaffle bridle. You only have one year as a newcomer regardless of how much you compete in that year - if you do one show at the beginning of the year under saddle and then don't compete until the beginning of the next year you are still no longer a newcomer.
AMATEUR OWNER RIDER (AOR): Horse/Galloway/Pony must be owned & exhibited by the rider who is an Amateur - Has NOT received any 'payment' in the last 2 years for coaching, training, riding or showing any horse for another person. The mount must not have been shown, or ridden or trained by a Non – Amateur, within the previous 3 months
TINY TOTS: Rider under 6 yrs (can be boy or girl) - Must be lead by an adult, this is not the same as a leading rein class.
GIRL RIDER: Must be female 6 yrs - 17 yrs, children under 9 yrs may be lead for their classes at the discretion of the show.
BOY RIDER: Must be male 6 yrs - 17 yrs, children under 9 yrs may be lead for their classes at the discretion of the show.
LADY RIDER: Must be female 17 yrs and over
GENTLEMAN RIDER: Must be male 17 yrs and over
JUNIOR RIDER: Children under 12 yrs of age.
SENIOR RIDER: Children 12 yrs and over - under 17 yrs of age
ADULT RIDER: Must be 17 yrs and over (Any gender)
SIDE SADDLE: Mount to be ridden in a side saddle - class may be broken down into ladies/gents/age divisions etc
Bareback: Mount to be ridden without a saddle or equivalent
Tiny Tots Rider Under 6 yrs
Girl Rider 6 yrs & over, under 9 yrs
Boy Rider 6 yrs & over, under 9 yrs
Girl Rider 9 yrs & over, under 12 yrs
Boy Rider 9 yrs & over, under 12 yrs
Girl Rider 12 yrs & over, under 15 yrs
Boy Rider 12 yrs & over, under 15 yrs
Girl Rider 15 yrs & over, under 17 yrs
Boy Rider 15 yrs & over, under 17 yrs
Lady Rider 17 yrs & over, under 21 yrs
Gentleman Rider 17 yrs & over, under 21 yrs
Lady Rider 21 yrs & over, under 40 yrs
Gentleman Rider 21 yrs & over, under 40 yrs
Lady Rider 40 yrs & over
Gentleman Rider 40 yrs & over
Leading rein classes usually are their own section but may be placed under the rider class section at some shows however they are NOT judged the same as a riding class
Leading rein ponies are judged on conformation & paces but mainly manners & obedience (aka their ability to safely carry a small child)
Riders must be between 3 - 8 yrs of age and are to be lead by an adult
Leading rein ponies cannot exceed 12 hands
Must be shown in a snaffle with the leather lead (no chain) attached to the back of the cavesson noseband
Classes may be separated into Leading Rein Show Hunter Pony & Leading Rein Pony Hack
Handler must interfere as little as possible - only when rider needs assistance
Ponies should only ever walk and trot - they must never run past the handler